Self-consumption for neighborhood communities
Enjoy solar energy in your block of apartments and reduce your electricity bill
Generate your own energy
Install solar panels in your block of flats and save from day one.
No initial investment
Save from day one with no initial investment.

Forget about paperwork
We make it easy for you. We take care of all the paperwork and get the maximum amount of subsidies for you.

Experts in the industry
We have more than 30 years of experience in the world of renewable energies.

Paneles fotovoltaicos.
Captan la energía del sol y la transforman en energía eléctrica de corriente continua.
La tecnología más eficiente. Convierten de forma independiente la corriente continua en alterna para optimizar el rendimiento de cada panel.
Nuevo contador
El nuevo contador instalado contabiliza la energía generada y la inyencta toda directamente a la red eléctrica pública.
Contadores por vivienda
Los contadores de cada vivienda contabilizan la energía consumida por piso y por hora para restar esa energía consumida por cada vecino a la energía generada por el sistema fotovoltaico. Si en algún periodo no se consume toda la energía generada, la comercializadora pagará los excedentes de energía y se reducirá de la factura de la luz.
El sistema de monitorización opcional envía la información de la instalación y generación de energía a nuestro Centro de Control y al teléfono móvil de la persona responsable de la comunidad de vecinos para controlar su buen funcionamiento.
How does a photovoltaic system work?
Solar energy is one of the most widely used forms of renewable energy generation in the world. We tell you how each of the parts of a photovoltaic installation works.
Shared solar energy in just 4 steps:
We accompany you throughout the process.
Additional services for your community of neighbors

Comprehensive maintenance
We take care of the preventive and corrective maintenance of your solar installation.

Energy trading company
Join our supplier and enjoy competitive rates with 100% renewable energy.
Request your free assessment
Our team of experts will prepare a tailored proposal to meet your needs, so you can start saving while taking care of the planet.
Solve all your questions
Who is the owner of the solar photovoltaic installation on a residential building?
The owner of the solar photovoltaic installation in a residential building is the same community of neighbors that typically uses the jointly owned rooftop for the installation of the photovoltaic panels.
How can neighbors take advantage of the solar installation?
Neighbors can participate individually in the project to reduce their personal electricity bill. In addition, they have the option of using the energy generated for common building services, such as the elevator or stairway lights.
What are the benefits of installing solar panels in a condominium?
Installing solar panels offers multiple benefits: it reduces electricity bills by harnessing solar energy, contributes to environmental sustainability by reducing CO2 emissions, and can increase property value by improving energy efficiency.
Can any neighbor participate in the shared solar project?
Yes, any neighbor can choose to join or leave the project during the lifetime of the facility. ACCIONA Energy facilitates the legal process to streamline procedures without the need to convene additional neighborhood meetings.
How is the shared solar project approved in the community?
The project is approved by a simple majority of the neighbors, and qualified majorities are not necessary for its implementation.
How many solar panels are needed to cover the energy needs?
The number of solar panels required depends on the community's energy consumption. We perform a detailed analysis to design a system that meets your specific energy consumption needs.
Is any initial investment by the owners necessary?
No, no initial investment is required from the owners. ACCIONA Energy offers financing and subscription options.
Are special permits or licenses required to install solar panels in a community?
Yes, it is necessary to obtain permits and comply with local and regional regulations. We take care of all the administrative procedures and obtain the necessary authorizations for the installation.
What happens if the facility does not generate enough power for the community's needs?
We carry out a detailed preliminary study to ensure that the sized system covers the estimated energy needs. If more energy is needed, we can consider expanding the installation or complementing it with other renewable energy sources.
How does the installation of solar panels affect the community and its neighbors?
The installation of solar panels can improve the building's energy efficiency and contribute to the reduction of shared costs. It also promotes environmental awareness and positions the community as a leader in sustainability.
What maintenance do solar panels require and who is responsible for it?
Solar panels require minimal maintenance, which includes periodic cleaning and performance checks. We offer comprehensive maintenance services to ensure optimal performance of the installation throughout its lifetime.
What warranties and support are offered after installation?
Product warranties and after-sales services are provided. In addition, a monitoring system is offered to supervise the performance of the solar panels and continuous support is provided to resolve any queries or problems that may arise.